Show Big Number in RPG maker!

With this plugin, you can take large numbers, and make them easier to read! All it takes is a simple plugin command. 

12534 becomes "12.53 thousand"

12534975 becomes "12.53 million"

12535975148 becomes "12.53 billion"

All the way up to "999.99 decillion"! Everything larger will show as decillion, So, "1234.56 decillion" wil be shown, not "1.23 undecillion".

If anyone really needs the numbers to go even higher, I can make that happen... Just let me know!

All you need to do is:

  1. Make sure you have that big number stored in a variable (variable X)
  2. Make sure you have a variable available to store the easy to read number in (variable Y)
  3. run plugin command: bignumber X Y

Files 1.2 kB
23 hours ago

Get Big Numbers for MV

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